How To Soothe Your Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye can interrupt your daily life and make doing simple tasks like reading or working at a computer more difficult than it needs to be. Anyone who deals with the condition understands firsthand how difficult it can be to find long-term relief. 

The good news is that there are simple steps you can take to help you soothe your ongoing condition.  Below is a roundup of all the different methods for treating, soothing, and preventing your dry eye condition. 

Why is it important to treat your dry eye symptoms? 

If you let your dry eyes go untreated, you may face a few different problems. Firstly, you’re probably experiencing discomfort. Dry eyes can seriously irritate and hurt your eyes, so it’s important you find relief. Secondly, you could damage ocular tissues or, in more serious cases, scar the cornea, the clear layer of tissue covering the front of the eye. 

Any damage to your eye tissue could lead to potential vision loss down the road. Treating your dry eye symptoms will not only provide you with the comfort and relief that you seek, but it will also prevent any potential vision problems that may emerge over time.

How can you soothe your dry eye symptoms? 

The good news is that there are many treatment methods for treating and soothing your dry eyes. You can use a combination of methods to find relief from lifestyle changes to over-the-counter medication. It’s important to learn which dry eye treatment works best for you and speak to a doctor about your ongoing medical condition. 

Dry Eye Therapy

Sometimes, creating a regimen and using a combination of dry eye remedies and prevention methods can be the key that unlocks your relief. TheraTears® recommends a combination of dry eye therapy, including lubricant eye drops, an eyelid cleanser, and Omega-3 supplements to support healthier feeling eyes. See why in the details below:

Lubricant eye drops 

Lubricant eye drops will always be recommended for treating dry eye symptoms. Eye drops mimic real tears and help give your eyes the moisture they need. They’ll lubricate and maintain moisture within the eye, offering you relief from dryness. TheraTears® has several formulas that provide long-lasting relief from dry eye symptoms. 

A facial and eyelid cleanser 

Washing your face and eyes can do more for your eye health than you realize! A gentle eyelid cleanser can clear bacteria and debris from your eyelids and face, which may aggravate your dry eye symptoms.

Omega-3 supplements 

Good nutrition and hydration can help combat your dry eye symptoms. Inflammation can contribute to dry eye, and omega-3s, particularly those from fish oil, seem to help reduce inflammation in the body. They may also help support healthy tears and so may increase eye comfort. Because of this, we offer an eye nutrition omega-3 supplement that also contains organic flaxseed oil and vitamin E. (As with all supplements, please consult your doctor before taking if you have any other health conditions.)

Environmental Changes 

Sometimes, dry eye can be caused by overexposure to extreme windy, dry, or smoky conditions. For example, you may have dry eyes if you live in an extremely dry climate or work on a construction site with lots of dusty wind. One of the best ways to prevent your dry eye condition from worsening is to take preventive action by avoiding these climates. 

You can’t always choose where you live or work, but wearing protective eye gear, like wrap-around sunglasses, could be the extra layer of protection your eyes need. Also, this goes without saying, but avoid cigarette smoke so your dry eyes do not get worse.  

At-Home Remedies 

In the winter, we tend to crank up the heat so our toes don’t freeze. However, air conditioners and heaters can create a dry climate within our homes, potentially contributing to dry eye conditions. Try not to sit too close to a heater or a fan or consider using a humidifier to retain moisture in the air in your home. At night, turn off the heater or fan for a few hours, and wear an eye mask to add that extra protection.

Another simple dry eye tip is to use a warm compress. A warm washcloth or mask can help decrease inflammation around the eyes and loosen up the eye glands, helping to produce more tears. Using a warm compress for at least ten minutes a day can help soothe your dry eyes and be very relaxing. 

Limit Screen Time 

It’s long been proven that too much screen time is bad for our eyes. If you work at a computer all day or scroll social media for hours, you tire out your eye muscles and forget to blink. Any activity that requires visual concentration for long periods of time, like driving, reading, or computer work, tires and dries out the eyes. 

The way to prevent drying out your eyes from overuse is to limit the time spent doing one activity. Additionally, make a conscious effort to blink more frequently or take breaks so your eyes don’t dry out. 

Advanced Treatments 

Sometimes, after speaking with your doctor, you may find you need a stronger solution to treat your dry eye. More advanced therapies, like steroid eye drops or prescription eye drops, can help with severe dry eye. 

Steroid Eye Drops 

Since dry eyes can cause inflammation around the eyes, your doctor may recommend steroid eye drops. These eye drops can help decrease any intense inflammation of the eyes, which can help soothe your eyes and clear any blocked eye glands. 

Prescription Eye Drops 

Similar to steroid eye drops, some prescription eye drops help tackle the inflammation caused by a dry eye condition. Additionally, these prescription drops encourage your body to produce more natural tears to help moisturize your eyes.


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